What do We Believe?

"Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can,
to all the people you can, as long as ever you can." - John Wesley

Core Beliefs

The following are the core beliefs of Morning Star UMC
based on the guiding principles of the Old and New Testaments.
Our life together is rooted in our understanding of what it means
to love God, follow Jesus and serve others.

The Trinity

We believe in the Trinity—God as Creator, Redeemer,
and Sustainer/LIverat. These three expressions of the Divine reveal God's love in distinct ways: creating and sustaining life,
embodying grace and truth in Jesus, and inspiring and empowering us through the Holy Spirit.


We believe in Jesus Christ as the embodiment of God's love and grace. His life, teachings, death, and resurrection reveal
God's deep commitment to justice, compassion,
and the inclusion of all people. Jesus invites us into a transformative relationship that calls us to live out these values in our world.

the Bible

We affirm the Bible as a sacred text that witnesses to God's love
and justice. It is a living document, informed by historical context, cultural understanding, and the ongoing guidance of the Spirit.
We engage the scriptures critically and reverently,
seeking how they speak to us today.

The Holy Spirit

We believe in the Holy Spirit as God's presence with us today—comforting, challenging, and inspiring us to live out our faith.
The Spirit moves within and among us, calling us to participate
in God's work of justice, peace, and reconciliation.

Holy Communion

We practice Holy Communion as an open table,
where all are welcome,  every week.
This meal is a celebration of God's abundant grace,
a remembrance of Christ's love,
and a foretaste of the justice and peace to come.
It unites us in the body of Christ, across all boundaries.


We celebrate baptism as a sacred act of welcome and inclusion
into the community of faith. It symbolizes the washing away of the old and the birth of new life in Christ. We honor all forms of baptism
as valid expressions of faith and identity.


We understand salvation as the ongoing process
of healing and liberation, both personal and collective.
It is the experience of God's unconditional love,
which calls us into wholeness and compels us to work
toward the flourishing of all creation.

The Church

We affirm the Church as a diverse and inclusive community,
called to embody Christ's love in the world. We are committed
to being a place of radical welcome, where all people can grow
in their faith, serve others, and work together for
a more just and compassionate world.


We embrace prayer as an essential practice of connection with God, ourselves, and others. Prayer is both a personal and communal act,
a way to listen, speak, and be present with the Divine.
It is a source of strength, guidance, and transformation in our lives.

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